LKGLOBAL is a Euro-American (international) intellectual property law firm of more than 50 attorneys-at-law and patent attorneys. The four primary offices in Munich, Phoenix (Scottsdale), San Diego (Del Mar), and Detroit (Birmingham), and the solo offices in Ohio, Minnesota, Alabama, and New York, operate under common ownership.

LKGLOBAL‘s cooperative and strategic approach is tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Our quality product and services are found in the delegation of duties within a multi-jurisdictional team that focuses attorney efforts on substantive legal work and minimizing duplication of effort.

Together with informative and efficient client communication, LKGLOBAL provides value-added efforts rather than fee maximization, which results in mutually beneficial and long-lasting relationships with our international clients.


Range of Legal Service

LKGLOBAL attorneys have backgrounds in varied technical disciplines that include advanced technical degrees and doctorates to support innovations in numerous fields of endeavor, including computer science, electrical engineering, electronics engineering, systems engineering, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, engineering sciences, aerospace engineering, environmental engineering, nuclear engineering, physics, chemistry, microbiology, architecture and transportation engineering. These technical backgrounds, coupled with the scope and depth of our experience as corporate and private legal counsel, provide a strong foundation for representation in all aspects of intellectual property, including: patent, trademark, and copyright procurement; patentability, registrability, validity, clearance and infringement opinions; licensing, confidentiality and employment agreements; due diligence investigations and technology related employment matters; and IP aspects of M&A and equity investments, acquisitions and divestitures, technology transfers, development agreements, joint ventures, strategic alliances and research agreements & framework agreements.


We are always looking for highly qualified patent prosecution attorneys and agents. If you are interested in joining the LKGLOBAL team, please contact us at:


US = Attorney at Law, licensed to practice in (state)
PA = registered before the USPTO
DE = Patentanwalt, Germany
EP = European Patent Attorney
OE = Tätigkeit als Vertreter vor dem Österreichischen Patentamt
UK = UK Patent Attorney
PI = Patentingenieur / Patent Professional


ABE: Allentown PA (USA), CLE: Cleveland OH (USA), DTW: Detroit MI and Howell MI (USA), Dublin (IE), HSV: Huntsville AL and Toney AL (USA), LON: London (UK), MSP: Minneapolis MN (USA), MUC: Muenchen (D), NAP: Naperville, IL (USA), NYC: New York, NY (USA), PHX: Phoenix AZ (USA), SAN: San Diego CA (USA)

Boston   MA   (USA)
24 Charles Rd.
Winchester, MA 01890
T +1 480 361 0468

Detroit   MI   (USA)
707 S. Eton Street
Birmingham, MI 48009
T +1 480 385 5060
F +1 480 385 5061

Dublin (IE)
Fitzwilliam Hall, Fitzwilliam Place,
Dublin 2, Ireland
+353 (0) 1 574 7069

Muenchen   (DE)
Brienner Strasse 11
80333 Muenchen, Germany
T +49 (0)89 262 09-7170
F +49 (0)89 550 568 610

London   (UK)
Cambridge House, Henry Street
Bath BA1 1BT, United Kingdom
T +44 12256 18185
F +44 20 818 16119

Phoenix   AZ   (USA)
7501 East McCormick Parkway
Suite 105 South
Scottsdale, AZ 85258, USA
T +1 480 385 5060
F +1 480 385 5061

San Diego   CA   (USA)
12520 High Bluff Drive, Suite 260
San Diego, California 92130, USA
T +1 480 385 5060
F +1 480 385 5061